Beyond Body Balance and the Art of Transformational Kinesiology 

facilitates personal and spiritual growth utilizing muscle monitoring, transpersonal connection, supporting, acupressure, visualization, meditation and more…

Beyond Body Balance is created specifically for you. I use muscle monitoring to communicate with the body. I can use many different modalities depending on your goals.

Touch For Health®:

Getting the electromagnetic energy of the body flowing again can improve mental and emotional performance, enhance vitality, and help with posture and everyday stress.

You can help yourself easily reaching goals, reduce stress and anxiety and better reading comprehension.

Berry’s Body Management:

This method involves visceral manipulation to get the energy current moving correctly in the body. The fundamental theory is that it is the organs that control the meridians and nerves, which in turn control the muscles, which hold the bones in place. When the organs are manipulated, the rest of the associated body systems readjust. The application of this system is useful for structural problems, organ, and glandular function. Thus, it is a process, which helps in the prevention of dis-ease.

PKP profesional Kinesiology Practitioner. KINESIOPRACTOR

In a Kinesiopractic® balancing session, goals are created and is about changing the environment or context in which the problem currently exists. If we change the context, the dis-ease has no place to exist and therefore has to change or disappear. Works in a different model of energy medicine and it is based on a participatory model that makes a balancing session a journey of self-exploration where clients gain an understanding of their health (or other) challenges and set about making positive change for themselves

Experience The Art of Gentle Touch at many different levels for your body, mind, and soul.